Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Fever, Isle of Wight Festival and Hamburg


First off, here's the brand new music video to 'Fever', a track from my forthcoming début album. They say there's no light without darkness and this video is very dark - made by the fantastic Infinite Pictures (the team behind my 'Third Movement' video, as well as The Foxes 'Lover Killer' and 'Bill Hicks') it references films from Maniac and American Psycho to literature including the works of Burroughs, Bukowski, Ellis and Palahniuk.

Words and music by Nigel Thomas.
Recorded by Luke Oldfield at Tilehouse Studios.
Mastered by John Davis at Metropolis.

Written and Directed by Zoe. Produced by Gavin Fry (Infinite Pictures -
Costume by Gemma Corker.

Huge thanks to everyone who gave up their time and talent so generously for this video to happen. You know who you are and you know I'm grateful.  

The next blog will contain full info on the album release.


The great champion of new music Clark Kent (AKA John Clay) ambushed me on the streets of Camden Town in this three part interview. Take a look, then check out his Youtube channel here. He's the real deal.


Playing the Isle of Wight Festival was a blast! After the incredible amounts of rain on Friday evening the sun shone on the Kashmir Cafe stage on Saturday where I played with some hugely talented musicians to a sizeable festival crowd, then got to watch Blur again after - not a bad days work.Thanks as always to Doug Alldred for organising and to all in the lovely crowd who watched and listened. Photos below by Chemical Gdns. Click on photos for larger versions.

'Moment of the Festival' - seeing drummer Pat Kenneally in the morning after his £19 tent was found not to be quite as waterproof as he'd hoped, and he'd used his only dry trousers to mop up the puddles.

The band left to right - Alex S Tower (Keys), GrooveSun (bass, hidden behind Alex), Patrick Kenneally (drums, vocals, hat), Me (guitar, vocals) Jon Bretman (lead guitar, vocals).


Last week I had the privilege of playing several gigs in Hamburg, both solo acoustic as as part of 'Darling Boy', led by the multi-talented musician Alex Gold, formerly of The Wutars, whom I met back in the Death Disco days. We were both in support of 'Duncan Reid and the Bigheads', led by the former front man of classic punk rock band The Boys. I've had their song 'Cest La Vie' in my head for days now, check it out. 

HUGE thanks to Anna and Dirke Lange for their hospitality, and everyone involved. Click on photos for larger versions.

At Monkey's, a fine club and lovely crowd.
I have a lot of time for this sign!

Photo op on stage!
More Monkey club action
On stage with Darling Boy!

Don't ask....
HOLIDAY TIP - don't cross the road in Germany without the green man, regardless of complete lack of traffic. The police will tell you off and you'll have to use your broken German to explain that you're used to throwing yourself into the road with wild abandon in London.  

NOT I...

I'll leave you with a track I've recently discovered called 'Little Heart Bomb' by Norwegian band 'Bigbang'. Enjoy. 

Nigel. X

P.S. lovely little pre-release review of 'Fever' by John Clay here, via God is in the TV. 
P.P.S My dear friend Stuart Saint is doing a kickstarter for an exiting new musical called 'Princess' - do have a look! 

1 comment:

  1. Caught up with your Blog and the finished version of the Fever video.
    Very fortunate to have that advance copy of your album.
    Brilliant !
