I've been way too busy to post anything since October...so what's been going on?!
Well, you won't be surprised to hear a lot of gigging has happened and we played with The Buzzcocks on the Isle of Wight a few weeks ago, from which the live video above to "Get Me" is taken. There's loads more live videos on our Youtube page, and photos from the gig are here. It

The Buzzcocks were really nice chaps, and we had quite a time with them after the show. Must remember to include four bottles of Champagne on my next rider too....
Well, the big news is that from 17th to 21st January, we'll be recording a brand new 4 track EP at Sawmills Studios with producer John Cornfield. John produced and mixed several of my favourite albums, including "Origin of Symmetry" by Muse, and "In it for the Money" by Supergrass, though he's also worked with Razorlight, Oasis, Robert Plans, The Verve, The Stone Roses etc. The studio is in the most beautiful areas of Cornwall, and can only be accessed by boat...yes, we'll be transporting all the equipment from our van to the studio by the river, as you can see from this photo:

We've firmly decided on three of the four tracks we'll be recording...which are:
1. Get Me.
2. Something About You.
3. No Reply.
We're still pondering as to the fourth track....which will either be "Country Low" (which you can hear on my Facebook page here) or a new version of an old song "Run" (which you can hear here).
We also need to decide upon a NAME for the EP...which might be based on some of my lyrics - suggestions welcome on all counts, though don't feel bad if they're ignored...it just means they're rubbish.
Oh, and "Lover, Killer" has been used by a New Zealand company in a Skiing video which you can see here. It's also now up on Air New Zealand, if you happen to fly with them....
ANYWAY, all of this is all piffle, compared to the GIGANTIC NEWS that the FANS IN OUR VAN HAVE NOW BEEN FIXED. No, we don't carry repaired girls around in it, I mean the HEATING is fixed. What better time to have done that too, than after months of FREEZING

Those of you who have had the time and strength of mind to have read my previous blog entries will know that I had....er...ALL my stuff stolen on my wild European Road Trip with Jonno in September. Luckily I was insured, and you'll all be as delighted as I was to hear that out of about £2,000 worth of stuff stolen, I've received the princely sum of £164.74. Isn't life so very fair?!
However, on the bright side, I DID manage to get another Mickey Mouse top after months of searching Ebay.
The photo above and right is HMS Warrior in Portsmouth Harbour, which I took just before getting the ferry to the Isle of Wight. Pretty pretty!
IN THE NEXT BLOG: There'll be news (and maybe even a snippet) of the World Cup song I've been asked to write, as well as video compilation I'm putting together from the filming I did on the YETI tour way back in 2008....PLUS more random photos and weird videos.
I'll leave you with photos from our Death Disco Christmas Party, and just for a laugh, a video (which someone uploaded just six months ago and I found by chance) of our playing a song we never play anymore nearly two years ago.....ah, the memories!
Much love,
P.S. I ramble on Twitter sometimes.
P.P.S. I've got a new girlfriend.
"Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in can hope to escape." William S. Burroughs.
I think it kind of depends on the upbeat/downbeat ratio you want on the EP (since it only has 4 songs) 'cause Country Low is pretty down there. Then again I may be biased because for some reason I really like Run :)
ReplyDeleteI like Run too :) . As for titles for the EP...
The Foxes
Something About
The Foxes
See what I did there :) ?!
ReplyDeleteRun w/
The Foxes ....?!
(I gotcha, Magic ;) This makes more sense if you choose the song "Run" of course... but I am torn myself :) I like both songs for different reasons, and it's true that both change the tone of the E.P. So unfortunately, I am no help in the matter at all! Sorry. Good luck! Can't wait to hear the new E.P. either way!!
As far as this Buzzcocks business goes: The Foxes kicked ass that night!! Brilliant show! Way to much fun was had! And the after party?! (Doug does make a yummy cocktail....) All I'm sayin' is, I've never seen a loaf of bread go so fast in my life! Stronger honey, indeed....... ;)
Wonderful news about the Van fans!! You know, "fixed" has quite another connotation over here.... thanks for the clarification! Hahaha. -p.s. I found the van rather comfortable, if it's any consolation...?!
Wonderful news about Lover, Killer in the video, and you finding a NEW Mickey Top!! I didn't think you'd do it... I'm impressed, and happy for you! Also, I'm glad you got some change at least on you insurance claim :P Bastards.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Gorgeous shot of the HMS Warrior! Very impressed with the photo and video ability of your phone! Now about that photo of you and your new Girl.... Must you taunt us?! Get a room! She's a bit fluffy for you, isn't she?! I'm just sayin', as a good friend......I'm concerned ;)
Last, but not least, and in all sincerity: I rather enjoyed the quote at the end of the blog. Insightful, and true on so many levels. Something to take to heart! Thanks for sharing. Now how do you pronounce that chap's last name again...? xxxx