Monday, 28 September 2009

Sweden to Oslo

Apologies for the lack of blog yesterday, due to a lack of both laptop and internet. I've seen something of the awful flooding in the Phillipines which really puts what I've lost in perspective. Thank you to everyone who left a comment or sent me an email, message or text (I can't reply to texts due to smashed screen)about having all my stuff stolen - it's nice to know you care!

Yesterday was a long driving day, and we explored the most incredible countryside in Sweden, with lakes bigger than Wales, and VERY windy islands which we reached by boat (the west coast of Sweden) which had huge rocky outcrops and breathaking views ( was very windy). Most places were closed as it's out of season here, but it was a nice change to be out of any urban area and really explore 'local' areas. There are some lovely photos and videos on the way when we get back to England.

Speaking of videos, we stayed in a little hotel in Sweden last night - watched Hitch and Walk Hard (the first was actually pretty good, and the second VERY funny) on the TV...but were then pretty surprised to find that two of our normal, Swedish terrestial tv channels (out of about 8) then without warning started showing hardcore pornography...I mean, proper hardcore. The next day on the same channels, there were childrens programmes. How bizzare is that?! I know what you're all thinking, and no, Jonno and I didn't sit there watching it together. For long.

Oh, I've just remembered I uploaded another song from the German countryside in the happy happy days when I had clothes....(my Mickey Mouse t-shirt will be sorely missed)

Today we've been exploring Oslo...well, much of the day we were exploring the incredibly frustrating road system in the city, with one way roads, hardly and road markings and impatient drivers, as well as pedestrians who just walk randomly in to the road (which reminds me of Exeter...) We were also stopped and questioned at the border, but managed to avoid the full body search.

We did a song in front of the Royal Palace, and were approched by a friendly local who asked us if we knew any gospel songs....anyway, we've got a couple of gigs in the town tonight, so hope to earn some dinner and petrol money, so we'll see how it goes!


  1. Ah, yes... the positive, upbeat Nigel I remember and love! So happy to see that you are still enjoying your trip, despite that awful incident in Denmark. Looking forward to all the photos you'll post when you return home. Good luck tonight! :)

  2. I will miss the Mickey Mouse t-shirt too :( . Just glad that you are both OK!

  3. Hejhej,
    since I heard you in the Tacheles in Berlin I´m foxificated (haha...). I read attentive your reports of your trip across Skandinavia and I´m really sorry to hear all your things were stolen! It´s not imaginable to me and I wouldn´t know what I´d do if this happens to me; I admire you don´t giving up the trip and going back to London but continue and make the best of it.
    In Berlin I just talked a little to Jonno. Maybe he remembers (I´m the girl who said "great" as often as it fits in an few minutes small talk...).
    Actually I just wanted to show a buddy the scrab-iron exhibition but I was cought by several of your Beatles cover songs and had to move an to the bar to spend a couple of hours listening to your songs.
    In the moment I´m listening to Lover, Killer and hope I will see you here again in Berlin ... ?
    Dear greetings and best wishes for your planned EP! Antonia

    P.S.: Sorry, my English isn´t very well...

  4. Thanks Karen, lots of lovely photos and videos will be up when I get back!

    Oh, and I'll be buying a new Mickey Mouse t-shirt too.

    Hi Antonia, thanks for the kind words about our Berlin gig, and I'm glad you've been Foxified! We'll definitely be playing in Berlin again soon after we've finished the album...we're on Myspace and Facebook, so keep and eye out!
